Selfhealth Universe / Exhibition: Biting My Tongue, Göteborg Konsthall, 29.04.2023 – 21.05.2023

Upon arriving in Sweden in 2021, daily activities like ordering coffee and learning Swedish started shaping my daily life and artistic practice. The preceding two years had been defined by hospitals, face masks, home deliveries, and lockdown anxieties. The post-pandemic digitalization prompted me to disconnect from virtual platforms, yearning for tangible xperiences and fostering a strong desire for countryside escapism. Around me, I perceived social trends toward self-sufficiency, outdoor activities, and DIY projects, while, on a broader scale, Sweden’s migration discourse was undergoing a paradigm shift. In this context, a pivotal incident, a hospital emergency, guided my research across three realms: Public Health Care, DIY Lifestyle, and Migration.

Under the title Selfhealth Universe a visual composite was made public in May 2023 as part of the group exhibition Biting My Tongue at Göteborg Konsthall. It was presented as follows: “Selfhealth Universe investigates relations between individuals and institutional   structures, the private and the public. The art objects are interventions in everyday life that reflect on the relationship between self-care, self-criticism and the loopholes that arise in a stressed public health system. The installation, which consists of the three objects Cykelambulans, The Migran Sauna, and The Winged Creature, presents some Do It Yourself well-ness solutions and their underlying myths. Who do they affect and how?